Wednesday, August 27, 2008

"What I care about is sustainable happiness, which comes from having purpose and meaning in life."

Exercise 1: Take responsibility for your own happiness.
No one is going to make you happy. You have to do it for yourself. You have to choose to let things go and to choose to find neutral ground. If you're just sitting there thinking about all of your problems, you won't be happy. Problems don't lead to happiness, believe it or not.

Exercise 2: Express gratitude for what you have.
Write down five or ten things that you are really grateful for every day. We always have things to be grateful for - our arms, our legs, our eyes, our teeth, the air that we breathe, our family, our friends, the house that we live in. The list goes on and on, so I don't want to hear any excuses.

Exercise 3: Practice random acts of kindness.
Practice five random acts of kindness a day. It can be something as simple as telling your coworker, "That outfit looks good on you." People just want to smile, they just want us to be good to them. There's actually a random acts of kindness foundation where you can learn different types of things you can do daily. If you do this every day for a month, I'm telling you your life is going to change. Mine did.

Exercise 4: Smile.
There is one crucial element to happiness, and you cannot achieve happiness without this element. If you take the corners of your mouth and you put them toward your cheek bones, are you happier? Our smile is the best happiness tool we have because it's a way to make other people happy without saying a word. When in doubt, just smile.

Because I explored the secrets behind holding onto happiness, I now have better health, better relationships and more success than I ever did before.

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